Five tips to help you find happy health in 2020 – from Frog Hollow Catering

Happy New Year to you! It’s the time of year where it’s customary to set goals and make resolutions for the coming year, and commonly those resolutions are often health-based, involving losing weight or exercising more. It’s also true that many of those resolutions will be broken by February, and that’s usually because too many of those declarations involve depriving ourselves of the things we actually enjoy. At Frog Hollow Super Snacks we don’t think you should ever have to do that… Here are our five tips to help you find happy health in 2020.

  1. A little bit of what you fancy – When it comes to your sweet treats, think quality, not quantity. Each of our energy bites weighs just 10g, but those 10g are packed full of protein to keep your tummies happy and give you an energy boost at any time of day. These power-packed snacks were born out of my frustration at the fat-free and diet foods on offer, (all containing artificial sweeteners and additives), while I was on my own weight loss journey. I created my energy bites made with fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and they tasted so good, I decided to make them for you too! Find out exactly what’s in each flavour of energy bite on our website  
  • Don’t just break habits, make them too – Habits get bad press, all too often we say or hear the words, “I’ve got into a bad habit of…”; so make 2020 the year you turn that expression on its head. Rather than deciding to break a bad habit, make a good one instead. You’ll soon find that your new routines will outweigh any bad ones and have you on the path to happy health.

  • Go local – Happy health comes naturally when you decide to buy more produce locally; the food your family eats will be as fresh and tasty as possible, with a whole stack of nutrients! Why not pay a visit to your local farm shop, if you’re in the Emsworth area, visit our good friends at Tuppenny Barn. Shop locally, and you’ll be gifting some happy health to our beautiful planet too!
  • Never stop learning – One of my greatest investments in on my journey was the Sensitive Foodie Eat Well Live Well Course, Karen Lee is a fountain of knowledge. One of her mantras when it comes to choosing foods that will help you find happy health is to ask yourself… “Is it natural, is it normal and is it necessary,” a simple way to determine whether you should be choosing a particular food for nourishment.
  • Enjoy Yin and Yang in life – Everybody steps off the wagon, and it’s important to remember that variety is the spice of life. So don’t deprive yourself of treats, just make sure they are the healthy kind and your body will love you for it!

You can order Charlotte’s amazing cakes and treats through her website here:


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